We have been Recycling for over 25 years!
We are specialised in recycling Glass, Solar Panels & Soft Plastics.
We are a specialist recycling company which is part of a group which has been providing solutions in Brazil and USA for over 25 years for the communities and industry. We do this by providing commercial industrial scale solutions to recycling problems. We have provided solutions to troubled recycling schemes internationally by providing actual commercial end to end use solutions. This is demonstrated by our CRT (Glass) recycling operations in the USA and Brazil and long term supply of the Ceramics industry of environmentally friendly substitutes for mineral sands. We also operate closed loop solutions for Soft Plastics from recycling the soft plastics to pellets to produce fully recycled products (rubbish bags and other products) which can also be recycled again. Our Solar Panel recycling solution means Solar Panels are recycled and valuable materials are saved from landfills and can be used again, instead of extracting more materials from the environment.
Australian companies 3rg Recycling are affiliate of RR Comercio e Reciclagem de Vidros and Glazeceramics, recycling companies established in Brazil since 1997 and in the
United States since 2018.

To promote sustainable development through recycling and provide ceramic mixtures and plastic solutions ready to be used in the Australian, Brazilian and North American markets. At 3rg, we aim to be a leader in the recycling industry in Australia and form firm and lasting partnerships with our suppliers.

Include respect among all employees, suppliers, and customers. We strive to create sustainable solutions for all types of natural resources while working with commitment, integrity, and ethics.

We are dedicated to promoting a circular economy and reducing waste in the environment. We are committed to providing highquality recycled products and services that meet the needs of our customers while also contributing to a more sustainable future.